Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
doesnt add up
I just recently thought, do my friends really consider me as a friend like how I consider them. All school year, since late October all of my friends agreed to plan something for that person's bday. if it either for a gift or a party or both. They asked me to chip in and others as well. We did this thing until April. I participated in all of these events. Probably wasted money I could have used to buy books for the next year. Well I thought it was all good, since I get to see my friends happy and having the sight of joyment to the face was enough. Sure, I am being a bit jealous right now but isn't it right when a person receives they should also give. Like in valentines day in Japan, the girls give chocolates to the guys. In return the guys gives back chocolates on white day. I thought birthdays worked like that too. Sure, a few of my friends spent the day with me on my birthday. In fact one of them got me a gift that I really liked. How about the others? The people I chipped in gifts for and crap. You'd expect for them to atleast give me a card. Nope, not even a single card. Shit, some of you guys got balloons and cards that sang. What do I get? Shit? People know who I am. I am appreciative about anything. Sure a txt msg and a fb msg is fine. But can't you be more considerate and atleast get me a card in which I can have memories for. Because honestly, who keeps a txt msg for years and years like how they keep a card. Idk, maybe its just me being jealous or maybe its my friends just not seeing me as the friend as I see them.
I am not the only one that experience this too. There were plenty of others. Sure, they may not feel the same way as I feel but its just been bothering me alot lately. Call me the jealous type but this is the truth. And for those who experience the same as I did, you should feel as sorry as I am
I am not the only one that experience this too. There were plenty of others. Sure, they may not feel the same way as I feel but its just been bothering me alot lately. Call me the jealous type but this is the truth. And for those who experience the same as I did, you should feel as sorry as I am
i’ve been so nice to people and people just treat me like crap. it just pisses me off and I dont wanna deal with people like that. good night.
Those were the words on my tumblr today if you guys do not follow me there.
So what is the meaning of all this? Well, if summer has taught me anything so far, it taught me that there are roughly three types of people you'll meet in life. Person one is the person that you can trust the most. Someone who can agree or disagree with your problems and life. They ask you whats going on, what happened when there was a big scene and they are just concerned about you. Person two, is the person that you are chill with. You can enjoy a nice drink with them, you guys chill a lot , you can talk about your problems but not reveal anything and thats all cool. They know that you guys aren't the best of friends but letting you know whatsup is just good to know. And person three, thats the one I despise the most. These are the people who are I think that they don't give a shit about you. They ask you whatsup because they want to make themselves look like a good friend. But whats the point of that if you just treat them like crap. These people bother me the most.
Whatever those are one of my many thoughts of the night.
Those were the words on my tumblr today if you guys do not follow me there.
So what is the meaning of all this? Well, if summer has taught me anything so far, it taught me that there are roughly three types of people you'll meet in life. Person one is the person that you can trust the most. Someone who can agree or disagree with your problems and life. They ask you whats going on, what happened when there was a big scene and they are just concerned about you. Person two, is the person that you are chill with. You can enjoy a nice drink with them, you guys chill a lot , you can talk about your problems but not reveal anything and thats all cool. They know that you guys aren't the best of friends but letting you know whatsup is just good to know. And person three, thats the one I despise the most. These are the people who are I think that they don't give a shit about you. They ask you whatsup because they want to make themselves look like a good friend. But whats the point of that if you just treat them like crap. These people bother me the most.
Whatever those are one of my many thoughts of the night.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I am still here
I've been on tumblr a lot lately. Why the switch, because I can just post up random shit such as music, photos and articles in a easier fashion. Don't worry blog, I won't abandon you. I've just been busy with summer that is all. I meant to write 2 posts today but I got extremely lazy. Anyways, summer has been great so far. I've been playing alot of basketball and been going to the ymca alot. I havent seen any dramatic changes but hopefully I'll see some. Anyways, I'll be back soon and if I am not then I'll be on hiatus
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Why do I try so hard
I ask myself, why do I even try. I have tried multiple approaches, done multiple things and I still fail. Even thought I am not the one that gives up easily, I guess what they say is true. Nice guys really do finish last
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I'm starting to feel sick of people. I feel like I do so much for some people and they don't appreciate it. I'm they type of a person that wouldn't mind a simple thanks,a card or just a little of acknowledgement of their grattitude. I just feel so sick of it lately. I'm not being selfish or anything but sometimes it just really bothers me. Some of the times I never recieved those things. Maybe I am being selfish now, or maybe it's others being selfish or not caring .. Like last night I had a dream where we were celebrating christimas, and everybody all my friends and families were all happy. They were just enjoying themselves because they were just having fun. The reason for all this is because christimas is a day in which no one forgets. Absoultely everyone has it marked on the calender. Everyone has a good time because it's a joyous occasion. Getting to my point, just recently my brothers bday just past. No body said happy bday to him. I was still in school at the time and I couldn't say it. Instead I got him a card. So when I went to orientation this week , he offered me a ride. Somehing he usually doesn't do. He feels much like what I feel. You should recieve in what you give. Well those are my two cents. You can now follow me on tumblr at
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So I've been writing and blogging for a few years already. I've started blogging on blogspot since 10th grade for an extra credit assignment. Who would have known that I would have fell in love with it. What caught my eye was that I was able to vent, talk about whatever I want, read and just comment. It was always loved the blogging community on sites such as Kotaku, Gizmodo, RandomC, Elitaste and other blogs. As I get ready for my AP composition exam tomorrow, I just think about how I fell in love with writing. My goal as a writer is to have readers enjoy what I am actually reading, like how I feel when I read. My goal as a blogger is totally different. My goal as a blogger is to promote(well I wouldnt use the word promote) what I love. I feel like if I can get one fan out of all my readers, I feel like I've done my job. But why you may ask? Because, I feel like it is my duty as a blogger to show what I love and embrace it. Sure, I've been blogging about my emotions, feelings and myself a lot. Honestly, when I first started my blog, I didn't want that. I just wanted a site that shows all my interest. But this is perfectly fine because now I have a mix of what I feel and what I enjoy. Ironically, when I first started my blog I named it Cliche, which means stereotypical. My blog was far from that. Everyday I would write or post up something completely absurd. Thank god I changed that name.
The point of all this today, is that I realized that I've come along way from where I started from.
The point of all this today, is that I realized that I've come along way from where I started from.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who remembers the year 2005? I'm pretty sure no one can clearly remember what 2005 was like. One thing I do remember were the Huarache 2k5. The Huarache 2k5, were my favorite basketball sneakers. With the full plate of carbon fiver, nike zoom air bag, ankle support, kobe's symbol. It just was a great sneaker. Unfortunately, I never got them that year. 2 years later, I went on ebay to look for a pair of basketball sneakers. Fed up with my Jordan 9.5's, I decided to go look at Nike Basketball. At the time, I think the Kobe III's just came out. Even though I heard good things about them, they werent a sneaker that I totally fell in love with. So after days looking for a pair of Nike Basketball, I found a pair of Huarache 2k5. I immediately bought them. However, when I first got them, I hated them. They were too tight and I couldn't move my feet. So I just left it in my closet. 3 years has passed and once again I am looking for a new basketball sneaker. I was planning to get these kobe v's I made on the Nike ID site but instead I looked at my closet to see what I have left to play ball in. I found my old 2k5's. I put them on, and they feel like heave. I love my 2k5's

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
read read read
I finally have some time to catch up on my reading. I've been trying to read The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I mentioned last year, I tried reading it but I couldn't finish it. I'm goona give it a go one more time. Maybe I'll read it when I have some free time in school. Oh wait, I wouldn't have any freetime in school since AP exams are coming up. Fuck
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Shit, just in a few more hours I will be back in school. Break was pretty fun this year, I guess. Sure, I would have loved to go on a trip but what happened during vacation was just fine. So how did I spend my last day of vacation? I pretty much stayed home and watched the Celtics game. Went around Allston to shop for a ukelele and then went to Cleveland circle to hit the arcade machine. Spend a few quarters on Marvel vs Capcom. Afterwards I went home and took a nap. I woke up with a big bowl of pho. Now I'm deciding whether I should get a ukelele or a banjo
Saturday, April 24, 2010
New B.O.B
nigga been putting out straight hits. I've been following him for the last two years and its about time for this nigga to get some fame. He is such a talented musician/lyricist. He def goona blow up this year.
B.O.B its about time you get your shine on
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I am finally going to start the new Full Metal Alchemist series tonight. I am kinda excited because I love the first series. Hopefully the new series will be better since I was disappointed with the last movie. I love how Bones decided to make another series. Anyways, this season is pretty good. I am currently watching Heroman, Angel Beats, Working, K-ON!! and other crap. Nothing really else to do during vacation.
So, I spent most of my day at home. Jun Hao called me at night to hang around Brighton ave. It was pretty nice to hang out with him since our conversations are always pretty interesting. Decided to hit up Big City to shoot some pool for a bit. Yeah, pretty much my day. Hope you guys are enjoying your vacation!
peep the new vid
So, I spent most of my day at home. Jun Hao called me at night to hang around Brighton ave. It was pretty nice to hang out with him since our conversations are always pretty interesting. Decided to hit up Big City to shoot some pool for a bit. Yeah, pretty much my day. Hope you guys are enjoying your vacation!
peep the new vid
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I can't wait to get my Mocha 3's next week.
I can't wait for the Jordan XI Silver Anniversary editions to come out.
I can't wait to for spring break.
I can't wait to get out of fucking high school.
I can't wait to go to college and move the fuck out for a while.
I can't wait for the Jordan XI Silver Anniversary editions to come out.
I can't wait to for spring break.
I can't wait to get out of fucking high school.
I can't wait to go to college and move the fuck out for a while.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
1 week till spring break
So I am probably goona end up going to Umass Lowell next year. Excited? Not really, because I believe that Lowell is horrible. I never like Lowell, but I might enjoy the school.
So spring break is almost here! So far I do not have any plans, but I wanna visit Newyork sometime that week. I actually saw my cousins, aunts and uncles from Newyork today when I went to eat lunch. I had to eat with them because my father didn't order enough seats on one table so he made me sit at the Newyork family table. It was actually pretty fun. I actually spoke to my cousin for the first time in years even though I do see her once a year, I never really had a chance to talk to her. The family seems to be really young as they talked about Lady Gaga and Apple products. If I do decide to visit Newyork over break, maybe I'll come by their store and check out the fucci stuff they are selling . Afterwards, I went home, took a long ass nap and started on some homework.
Yesterday, was pretty tiring. I went to take an AP test for Environmental Science. I was able to finish the multiple choice section in 20 mins. While I was waiting for time to expire, I took a nap, drew some pictures and went to the bathroom. Yeah, I didn't really take the test seriously because I just didn't feel like taking it at all. After the test, I decided to head to chinatown to play some basketball and volleyball. Jammed another finger. I hate jamming fingers. After volleyball, I went to play pool with a few friends and headed home.
I can not wait till spring break. I hope volleyball practice is in the morning so I can have some time to chill with friends in the afternoon. Any ideas on what we/I should do during spring break?
So spring break is almost here! So far I do not have any plans, but I wanna visit Newyork sometime that week. I actually saw my cousins, aunts and uncles from Newyork today when I went to eat lunch. I had to eat with them because my father didn't order enough seats on one table so he made me sit at the Newyork family table. It was actually pretty fun. I actually spoke to my cousin for the first time in years even though I do see her once a year, I never really had a chance to talk to her. The family seems to be really young as they talked about Lady Gaga and Apple products. If I do decide to visit Newyork over break, maybe I'll come by their store and check out the fucci stuff they are selling . Afterwards, I went home, took a long ass nap and started on some homework.
Yesterday, was pretty tiring. I went to take an AP test for Environmental Science. I was able to finish the multiple choice section in 20 mins. While I was waiting for time to expire, I took a nap, drew some pictures and went to the bathroom. Yeah, I didn't really take the test seriously because I just didn't feel like taking it at all. After the test, I decided to head to chinatown to play some basketball and volleyball. Jammed another finger. I hate jamming fingers. After volleyball, I went to play pool with a few friends and headed home.
I can not wait till spring break. I hope volleyball practice is in the morning so I can have some time to chill with friends in the afternoon. Any ideas on what we/I should do during spring break?
spring season
what the hell am I watching this season?
Series: Heroman
Reason : Mostly because its created by Stan Lee and its produced by Bones. The plot so far is decent. I think the show can move a bit faster right now but slower pace means more episodes,and that is a win. Oh, did I mention that the show takes place in California, UnitedStates?!?!
OP :

Series : B Gata H KeiReason: Eechi, what more can I say?
Series : Angel Beats
Reason : Studio production is really good. Story looks to be unique and one of a kind. Characters are great(so far) and I think it is a cool concept. Hopefully, they try not to do anything complex.
Series : Kiss x Sis
Reason : Eechi, incest, what more can you ask for in a comedy.

Series : K-ON!!
Reason : Kyoto Animation studio. Cute. Music Series. Comedy. All about music. Season 1 was good so I wanna watch the second season.
i might switch over to wordpress if I want to keep up with anime blogging.
I wrote an entry for Working but since blogger was gay, it didnt show up.
Reason : Mostly because its created by Stan Lee and its produced by Bones. The plot so far is decent. I think the show can move a bit faster right now but slower pace means more episodes,and that is a win. Oh, did I mention that the show takes place in California, UnitedStates?!?!
OP :
Series : B Gata H KeiReason: Eechi, what more can I say?
Reason : Studio production is really good. Story looks to be unique and one of a kind. Characters are great(so far) and I think it is a cool concept. Hopefully, they try not to do anything complex.
Reason : Eechi, incest, what more can you ask for in a comedy.
Series : K-ON!!
Reason : Kyoto Animation studio. Cute. Music Series. Comedy. All about music. Season 1 was good so I wanna watch the second season.
i might switch over to wordpress if I want to keep up with anime blogging.
I wrote an entry for Working but since blogger was gay, it didnt show up.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
now lately
Haven't really been really doing much lately. I bought a Nooka watch over the weekend. My boy at the shop hooked it up. My shoulder is finally feeling better, but I still want to take it easy since I don't want to injure it again. Anyways, I thought this week was the slowest week ever. I think it is because we just came from a 3 day weekend which makes the week feels longer. Thank god its Friday. Oh, it looks like I am going to make my deposit for school next year, soon. I am still discussing what I am going to do with the money, school and other crap. Probably make a decision by this weekend.
Another classic, from his mixtape last year. I've been listening to his mixtape all week.
Another classic, from his mixtape last year. I've been listening to his mixtape all week.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I hate being sick
I EFFING HATE BEING SICK. Pretty much spent the whole day chillin at home playin with Tina's dog but I did get some acupuncture done at the office. Quick and painless.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Why do all good blog writers tend to retired or go on hiatus? I was reading Random C last week and writer Omni decided that he will be retiring from blogging. In my mind, I was panicking. What the hell am I going to read now? Thank god, Divine looks like he will be blogging on Random C now but Omni was such a great writer. Omni isn't the only one that looks like he is going to retire. It looks like David Jaffe is going to retire anytime soon or go on hiatus again. With these two gone, there goes my whole reading for the night. lol
Brand New
New profile picture.
New blog name. Chassin
New blog banner from Bakemonogatari
New Youtube vid. Big Sean - SupaDupa Lemonade Freestyle
New blog name. Chassin
New blog banner from Bakemonogatari
New Youtube vid. Big Sean - SupaDupa Lemonade Freestyle
Sunday, March 28, 2010
strained or spasm
it looks like I strained my right shoulder muscle. Will be missing a week of volleybal according to the physician. Or maybe it is just some muscle spasm.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I let myself down by being crueler than I thought I would be
I'm just a loser learning to care for the soul inside of me
I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
Love is not a word reserved only for sweet romance
I'm just a loser learning to care for the soul inside of me
I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
Love is not a word reserved only for sweet romance
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I've been super lazy lately. I haven't been doing all of my homework at home. The only homework I really do is Microecomics which just takes 10 mins to finish. I guess school is becoming less and less important to me lately. I just love to relax at home since I usually come home at 7 since I stay after school for volleyball. Talking about volleyball, the team is finally looking like it has some life. We are starting to get to know each other and having fun around each other. Usually after volleyball, I shower, eat dinner and play The New Super Mario Bros Wii, since Tina brought it over last week or I usually just watch anime until I sleep. I just finished rewatching BECK, in Japanese. It seriously a fantastic serious, I am currently downloading the dubs. Hopefully it will be just as good.
lol, i need a life
lol, i need a life
Monday, March 22, 2010
So Saturday marked the first day of Spring. Yup, that is right, Winter has come and gone and Spring is finally here. Spring is the season where we finally find out which colleges that we get into and other crap. It also means that it is volleyball season for the boys. The team actually have a game on Friday against BLA.
So what did I do on the first day of Spring? I had to attend an AP session for English Language at BC. This is my 3rd AP session in a row and I have another one this week. These AP Sessions are starting to piss me off. So I actually got to chill around some of my buddies at the school, went around the campus for a tour and won a 10 dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble. I probably use it to buy my next Haruhi Suzumiya book, lol. So after my AP session, I just went to Chinatown to play some volleyball with the guys and chilled at Boston Bowl for a while. Pretty much my whole weekend besides chilling with my family on sunday
So what did I do on the first day of Spring? I had to attend an AP session for English Language at BC. This is my 3rd AP session in a row and I have another one this week. These AP Sessions are starting to piss me off. So I actually got to chill around some of my buddies at the school, went around the campus for a tour and won a 10 dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble. I probably use it to buy my next Haruhi Suzumiya book, lol. So after my AP session, I just went to Chinatown to play some volleyball with the guys and chilled at Boston Bowl for a while. Pretty much my whole weekend besides chilling with my family on sunday
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St.Patricks Day
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I've been stressing out way too much lately. Waiting for colleges to reply back to me, studying for AP exams which are like 2 months. Its about time for me to study. And then I have volleyball practice, which I havent played in the longest time. Life seems to be stressed out. ya heard
I hate AP Sessions
2 weeks ago I went to one for APES
Last week one for STATS
This week for English
Last week one for STATS
This week for English
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So I am actually rewatching Gundam Seed again. Crazy isn't it? I remember back in the day where I would just download Gundam Seed every Thursday night and watch it. It would take hrs to finish but it was well worth the wait. I never really liked space mecha since its mostly political and complicating but I always loved Gundam Seed. I never had the chance to watch Gundam Seed Destiny, since I was hiatus with anime for a few years.
But watching the series again sure bring back old memories. I remember I would burn cds of anime series and just watch them when I worked at the store. Life was so stress free back then. But now I have to deal with sons of bitches nearly every single day. I sure hate school and other crap lately.
But watching the series again sure bring back old memories. I remember I would burn cds of anime series and just watch them when I worked at the store. Life was so stress free back then. But now I have to deal with sons of bitches nearly every single day. I sure hate school and other crap lately.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Summer Wars
Pretty weird to see a movie called Summer Wars at the end of winter. I would have blogged about it yesterday but I was too tired. So anyways, I went to the NewEngland premiere of Summer Wars. The director was there for Q and A after but I didn't stay. It got pretty crowded towards 7.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
new pickups
Some New pickups from the bdga sale.
Futura box tee [sold!]

Second pair of real deal half cabs. I just had to cop them since they were only 20 dollars. In fact, all their half cabs were 20 dollars. Might cop another pair tomorrow! Oh, hydro 5's arent my size but since they are only sandles, I was easily able to fit them. 20 dollars isn't too bad for sandles.
anyways blogger needs a new way to upload photos. this shit sucks. Oh yeah, i was able to see a few of my buddies at bdga while I was there. Kind of a surprise to see Paul, TJ, Jenny Mak and em.
anyways blogger needs a new way to upload photos. this shit sucks. Oh yeah, i was able to see a few of my buddies at bdga while I was there. Kind of a surprise to see Paul, TJ, Jenny Mak and em.
Wow, its been a week already? What have I been doing? lol, well pretty much staying home and watching anime. I probably downloaded over 20 gbs of anime and movies this whole vacation. wth, i have no life
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What I have done so far
-Complete Zero no Tsukaima
-Complete Gurren Lagann
-Download Code Geas
-Played Pool at Allston Billards and Big City
-Eat chicken from Soul Fire and Wings over Brookline
-Watched More than Just a Game staring LBJ
-Played a bit of Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Marvel vs Capcom
-Complete Zero no Tsukaima
-Complete Gurren Lagann
-Download Code Geas
-Played Pool at Allston Billards and Big City
-Eat chicken from Soul Fire and Wings over Brookline
-Watched More than Just a Game staring LBJ
-Played a bit of Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Marvel vs Capcom
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
not so much of a snow day
I was really anxious to see some snow today. However, it only snowed a bit while I was napping. I didn't really spend my day as I hoped. I was hoping to finish most Gurren Lagann today. But I am stuck on episode 5. Don't get me wrong, it is an excellent series but I just have fallen ill lately and I've been sleeping a lot. I woke up with a terrible runny nose. All this nasal congestion is really annoying. Thank god for sudafed and Vitamin C. Even though I didnt really spend the day as I would like to, I did get some homework done and think about my grandmother's recent death.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
some days
My life has gone through a total wreck these last two weeks. There are days where I just want to kill myself because I am just making life worse for others. Seriously, I think I am just utterly useless somestimes. Like wtf am I good for. I fucking suck, and just makes things worse. Whats makes it even worse if when you are trying to help and the next thing that happens is failure. And then there are days where I feel like I am not wanted anywhere. What tops it all off is losing one of the most important people in my life, just gone like that. I didn't even get a chance to say my goodbyes when she was still stable.
Days like these, I just wanna die myself.
Days like these, I just wanna die myself.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Finally a good test day
Chapter 20 quiz for Stats. (B)
Chapter 7 quiz for APES
Midterm for Micro. (B)
Chapter 20 quiz for Stats. (B)
Chapter 7 quiz for APES
Midterm for Micro. (B)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Gosh, I hate midterms. I got a Micro midterm coming Thursday and a Stats midterm the following week. I hate midterms fml-.-. Gotta hit those books this week and study.
Windows 7
I finally installed Windows 7. I absolutely hate it. Okay, it isnt that bad but shoot, I dont understand what is so special about it. Maybe if you are running Vista on a crap computer, I guess you can tell the difference but if you are running a machine like mine there is no difference at all. So why did I update? Well, I tried installing Steam and for some reason it wouldn't install. I was reading on the forums that I might have to upgrade to 7. I've had the installation cd around my house for months since I was able to get it for free. Had to wipe the computer because I knew I probably had some trojans running when I had Vista. So I wiped and upgraded just so that I can play some games on Steam.
So what is there to hate about it? Well, one of the features on my computer was that it has a wireless antenna on it. I ran 8-10 mb/s when I was running Vista. When I upgraded to 7, it dropped to 1-2 mb/s. Fucking sucks. So I had to buy a wire so I can connect it to my router. Well atleast it runs 20 mb/s now. thank god
OH I forgot to add, when I wiped my computer I forgot I recently downloaded anime. I forgot to back it up. Now I have to redownload all of em. Thats like 15 gbs of anime that I have to re download. If anyone has Bakemonogatari, Hayate , Azumanaga, Hitmusa or anything else lmk!!
So what is there to hate about it? Well, one of the features on my computer was that it has a wireless antenna on it. I ran 8-10 mb/s when I was running Vista. When I upgraded to 7, it dropped to 1-2 mb/s. Fucking sucks. So I had to buy a wire so I can connect it to my router. Well atleast it runs 20 mb/s now. thank god
OH I forgot to add, when I wiped my computer I forgot I recently downloaded anime. I forgot to back it up. Now I have to redownload all of em. Thats like 15 gbs of anime that I have to re download. If anyone has Bakemonogatari, Hayate , Azumanaga, Hitmusa or anything else lmk!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Please save the congratulations and stuff until March and April, where the real college acceptance letters and emails come in. But as for now, Wentworth Institute of Technology accepted me as an undergraduate in the Computer Science department. I just wanted to let my readers know about the good news.
How do I feel?
I feel dumb but relieved at the same time. WIT, wasn't even a top choice but knowing that I got into a college sure is reliving. Do not get me wrong, WIT is a great school but there are so many better schools that I would rather go to. Hopefully you guys will receive you college acceptance letters soon!
thats 1 down, 9 more to go!
How do I feel?
I feel dumb but relieved at the same time. WIT, wasn't even a top choice but knowing that I got into a college sure is reliving. Do not get me wrong, WIT is a great school but there are so many better schools that I would rather go to. Hopefully you guys will receive you college acceptance letters soon!
thats 1 down, 9 more to go!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
As you may have noticed, I've been blogging about Anime the last few entries. I just been watching so many series since I have so much free time. I am almost finished with the Shana series and about to start Hyate no Gotoku or Toradora. Both these series come from J.C Staff. I love J.C Staff, I think they have done a terrific job on Shana and I hope they keep up with the good work. However, even with all this free time, I still have a research paper due this month. I Hate English class now.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Shakugan no Shana
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
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