Week went by pretty fast this week. First two days were slow as hell though. Wed, Thurs and Fri went by pretty fast though. So what have I been up to? Nothing much, just chilling, relaxing, the usual stuff. Been playing a lot of Quakelive. Beta takes a while to load though. The game runs pretty well on the browser. When I first heard of it I thought it was goona look like crap. Guess I was wrong. Volleyball conditioning starts next week. Need to call coach over the weekend after my AP classes. I do not wanna go to class tomorrow. Argh. At least Jennifer and Nancy will be there with me. :D. I have class Sunday too. WTF and I have homework. Well with the amount of relaxation I got, I guess its about time for me to get to work.
Thinking about next pick up. I am aware that I am broke but still thinking about what I should get next. Probably sometime in summer I will pick it up. But here is what I am considering.
well how was your vacation overall? lmao "the usual, chilled"