Sunday, April 5, 2009

Came to get it!

Long day, today. I had SAT test from 9-1. It felt like I was in prison. After class, Roger picked me up and headed home. I chilled at home until Tony and Dustin picked me up. We immediately went to Korena, where we saw some of Dustin's friends. We sat there and waited for the others to come. We decided to go to Tedeschi to go to the ATM. On the way there I found a 20 dollar bill. So I no longer needed to go to the ATM. Pretty lucky.
Anyways,the others finally came around 4 and we finally was able to sit down and eat. The food there was good but definitely not worth the price. The triangle all shared a dish. So after, eating we decided to cut the cake which the Triangle bought. It was a cute cake. Had triangles all over it.
We took some pics and left to go to Ve's house. At her house we played cards, call of duty and rock band.I was doing pretty bad at Big 2 at first but as the night went on, I was just winning.It was pretty fun. We decided to leave around 10 and head to my place. Tony, Dustin, Simon, Jennifer and I originally planned to go to Boston Bowl, but we went to my place instead. But before heading there we stopped by Lollicup to say hi to Jessica. So they all chilled at my house till 12. We stayed and watch some parts of 300. I still have to watch that movie.
It was a pretty long day but was sure indeed fun. But there is just this one thing on my mind that just keeps on bothering me through out the whole week and today was no different. I think I gotta leave it alone and just let it fix itself.
Gotta wake up early tomorrow, so I am goona head to bed. Nights


  1. woah woah woah, what was the problem?

  2. haha it was fun playing cards with youuu :] but you forced...damn squares. -.-
