Friday wasn't that bad but you still needed the AC to be on the keep cool. So, Friday was my last class at Driver's Ed. It felt GREAT. Even though the day was pretty long, we watched a bunch of really cool videos and I passed my driver's ed exam. The last few days of Driver's Ed wasn't too bad. Met a few people, made some new friends and kicked some white bitches ass in tic tac toe. After class, I went back home to watch Miss Asahina prepare for her big movie. Went back out to go pick up my new phone. I should have mentioned this earlier but I just got an Iphone and I love it!!!! After my meet up, decided to head to the beach to give Dustin my Iphone, chill and play some ball. It was a nice day to go to the beach. Got lots of mosquito bites. Fucking mosquitoes.
Saturday, Dustin came over for a few mins to finish setting up my phone. I was finally able to use it. Stored some apps, put some music and we bounced. Later on, we met Minh who is traveling with us to Newyork along with Tony on Wednesday at the dunkexchange over at Mass Ave. The place was packed with a bunch of young kids who were willing to buy anything that was either black or gold box. I'm talking about SB's of course. I brought my Tokyo Taxis Blue birds and Barfs which were tony's to sell, Dustin brought his Purple Pidgeons and Minh brought his XX's. Right when I walked on the floor of the Dunk Exchange, I bumped into a kid we met at the Campout. He saw what I had and offered them. I knew I wasn't goona get any more offers like that and I knew some other kids were tryna sell their Taxi's as well so I immediately took the offer. Dustin and Minh in the other hand took a while to get some offers and trades. Dustin got cash and Minh came out with another pair or J's. Overall, the dunkexchange was kinda whack. Nothing good to buy. Actually, we did stumble upon a pair of OG Carmines for 100 bills. I bargained it down to 85 but the guy next to me out bid me and I saw a pretty cool project called the DunkForce 1's I think. I don't remember the name but it was a blend between SB Dunks and Air Force1s. Oh well, they weren't really "wearable". We all decided later to get some grub and head to Tony Lee's. There we had some drinks and played some smash bros brawl. It was getting kinda hot so Dustin and I started putting our heads in his freezer. Then we decided to leave to go to the beach. There we just chilled and walked around. Didn't do much.
Sunday, was pretty dull and depressing. Woke up to find out that my grandmother is once again in the hospital. She just left the hospital last week and just went back in yesterday. So I was pretty bummed out and still am. I still had to help my dad set up for the festival. Went over to Chinatown to set up. After setting up, I decided to leave and walk around. Saw some of the Volleyball tournament and grabbed some food. Most of these Chinatown Festivals are kinda boring. I usually just go to see the tournament, help out, grab food and look for some girls. That what is usually what these Chinatown festivals are good for. Actually, they have some cheap stuff there too. Got my iphone case there for only 5 bills. Sure, I had to bargain a bit but it was worth it.
So today, I woke up. Started my summer reading. Got up to page 100 something on How to Read Literature like a Professor. Its an easy read pretty much. Then Roger asked me if I was busy. I said no, and he told me to take a practice SAT test. He said he'll grade it if I do it. So, I did. I actually didn't do that bad. I guess all the studying do really help. lol. I got a 1900 or somewhere around there. After my examination, I went out and did some gardening work. I took some pics too since the Iphone camera is pretty decent.
Man, I cant wait for my NYC trip this wed.
ReplyDeleteand put the head in the freezer, lmao, thats what owen told me too
LOLLLLLLLLL my house is always chill cause i leave my AC in my room forever on.